If you don't see availability on the schedule please contact our office. We're here to help. 302-234-4100

Reopen is pushed back to June. We’re Still Here For You!

Governor Carney has pushed back the opening of businesses in our field to June.  Given that, we are again rescheduling all member appointments at your preferred times to hold your spot with the understanding that again, this could change.  And too, we certainly understand if you are not comfortable coming in yet and just ask that you give our office a call for further discussion and more information.

We will be implementing new safety protocols.  Please keep in mind that these are subject to change at any given time.  In addition, we will be checking in with you prior to your scheduled appointment time to update you on our new procedures as well as to address any questions you may have.  If, during our conversation we determine that you are at high risk or have not been practicing standard precautions we reserve the right to deny services.

  • The doors to the offices will be locked.
  • We ask that you call or text from your car upon your arrival and your therapist will let you in.
  • You will not be permitted to enter the building without an appropriate face covering.
  • Please wash your hands immediately upon entry.  Your therapist will then direct you to the treatment room.
  • We will be outfitted with protective gear which will be changed between each client.
  • And finally.  Relax.  We can’t wait to help.

We truly look forward to serving you again.  In the mean time…  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  And take time to meditate or pray on the positive benefits of  silencing your thoughts.  Life is beautiful.  Together we will usher in a new way to experience the peace of being present in the moment, Body, Mind and Spirit.


With Gratitude,

Laurie and the entire team here at Body • Mind • Spirit