To Attend to…
When I think of my sessions with Laurie, what comes to mind are the many meanings of the word attend: to be present; to accompany; to listen, to heed; to serve, to take care of. Laurie is an excellent listener, whether this comes naturally as a gift or intentionally through practice. She pays attention not only to the words that she hears but also the expressions she finds in the body and senses in the spirit. She is a faithful attendant to people who are going through all kinds of “things” in their lives, attentive to their needs and matching them with her skills. My American Heritage dictionary traces the etymology of this word to the Latin attendere, to heed, and to the Old French atendre, to stretch. How cool is that! Her work perfectly encompasses both of these concepts as she helps me untie knots both literally and figuratively and reach for a better state of body, mind and spirit. Alice H.~Wilmington