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Archive for May, 2020

Still Waiting? So Are We! We Miss You! In the mean time continue to practice safe distancing. Be Happy! Be Well!

Yet again, we will need to postpone your appointments.  Unfortunately, given the close contact involved in our industry, massage therapy is not included in Phase 1 of the reopening of our economy.  We are hopeful that we will be permitted to reopen as part of Phase II. To our Members, we are again pushing back […] (Read Article)

Reopen is pushed back to June. We’re Still Here For You!

Governor Carney has pushed back the opening of businesses in our field to June.  Given that, we are again rescheduling all member appointments at your preferred times to hold your spot with the understanding that again, this could change.  And too, we certainly understand if you are not comfortable coming in yet and just ask […] (Read Article)